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1° rental offer: 20% discount

Sailing holidays in Naples

We organize weekends and holidays on a sailing boat in Naples and to discover the most beautiful and evocative places: Procida, Ischia, Capri, the Amalfi and Sorrento coasts, Cilento and the Pontine islands.

Scegli le tue vacanze in barca a vela
Choose your holidays on a sailing boat!

Discover the wonderful Pontine and Flegrean islands, Capri and the Amalfi Coast on a sailing boat with a mini cruise suitable for singles, couples and families...

Noleggia una barca a vela a Napoli e le sue isole
Rent a sailing boat in Naples and its islands

Rent a sailing boat for the Pontine Islands, Ischia, Capri and Procida, Amalfi and Sorrento, Cilento, the Aeolian Islands ...

Noleggio barche a vela in tutto il mondo
Sailing boat rental all over the world

Strambando rents boats all over the world. Thanks to our partners we offer a vast possibility of destinations in the most beautiful seas in the world!

Upcoming holidays

Get on board with Strambando and you will have the chance to live a unique and unforgettable experience. Choose your next sailing holiday!

Contact us to find your future holiday

Sailing holidays in the Gulf of Naples organized by Strambando are a unique opportunity to discover the beauty of this part of Italy in a different and evocative way.

Contattaci per trovare la tua futura vacanza​